
Vanisle Fishers story...

Most Affordable

The price that we offer with all facilities and amenities is unbelievable

Expert Guides

Vanisle Fishers expert guides offers their many years of experience for you.

Best Fishing Spots

We provide amazing trips in the best fishing spots on Vancouver Island.

Complete Amenities

You can find best of what you need to enjoy a fishing trip with us.

About Vanisle Fishers

Thousands of miles of shoreline and hundreds of lakes and rivers turn Vancouver Island into one of the best fishing spots in the world, so we decided to provide some amazing fishing trips suitable for all ages and all skill levels.
Vanisle Fishers is an online marketplace for anglers, guide outfitters, rental businesses, and fishing enthusiasts to discover fishing opportunities on Vancouver Island.






Miles Shoreline


Fishing Trips

Our Goal

That’s about as big as a fish that big gets! Our goal is to make the fishing experience remarkable for everyone and not just a sport. Fishing is not a sport is a way of life, and life is always full of surprises, just like our trips. You can expect whale watching, marine life viewing, snorkeling time, diving, kayaking, canoeing, and many other entertainment activities on our trips. You have so many options to choose from because the island has so many opportunities for anglers, so you can choose among some of the best fishing spots.